Social Media Disclaimer
Social Media User Guidelines
The City of Waterbury Police Department's social media platforms are limited public forums. Therefore, inappropriate comments are subject to deletion for violating posting guidelines as noted below. These deletions will be by the administrator(s) of these accounts as decided by the Chief of Police.
Guidelines in place to determine suitability of a User's posting or comments on a department-sanctioned social media page:
a. We do not allow graphic, obscene or explicit comments or submissions nor do we allow comments that are abusive, threatening, hateful, or intended to define anyone or any organization or comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity.
b. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated.
c. Content posted by persons whose profile picture or avatar, username or e-mail address which contains any of the aforementioned prohibited conduct will not be tolerated.
d. Content should be related to the subject matter of the social media site where it is posted.
e. We do not allow solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial, or nongovernmental agency. Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any person or financial, commercial or governmental agency.
f. We do not allow information intended to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.
g. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.
h. All comments are subject to public records law.
i. The appearance of external links on this site does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the City of Waterbury.