Deputy Chief of Investigations

Deputy Chief of Investigations

The Deputy Chief of Investigations manages and participates in the development and implementation of goals, objectives, policies, and priorities for the assigned work units and recommends and administers policies and procedures. The Deputy Chief monitors and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures and recommends, within departmental policy, appropriate service and staffing levels. 

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Role As An Advisor

The Deputy Chief performs studies and administers projects at the discretion of the Chief of Police, also serving as a close advisor to the Chief of Police for all matters affecting the operational functions of the police department.  

Deputy Chief Responsibilities

The Deputy Chief of Investigations manages all criminal investigations which includes the Detective Bureau, the Vice and Intelligence Unit, the Youth Squad and the Forensic Unit.

The Deputy Chief manages patrol functions, which include the three patrol shift commanders, the Emergency Response Team, the Traffic Unit, the Hostage Negotiation Team and the Community Relations Division.

The Deputy Chief is responsible for planning, directing, and reviewing the work plan for all the assigned staff including those with extended hours and 24/7 operations.

The Deputy Chief assigns work activities and projects, as well as reviews and evaluates methods and procedures and meets with staff to identify and resolve problems.

The Deputy Chief monitors and evaluates community programs, sets priorities and policies for assigned programs and makes recommendations for revisions regarding ordinances as necessary.

Get In Touch

Deputy Chief John Napiello

Deputy Chief of Investigations

Telephone: 203-574-6947

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Looking for more information?

Contact the Waterbury Police Department with any inquiries, requests for service, information on a crime or to report suspicious activity.
