Support Services

Waterbury Police Support Services

The Waterbury Police Support Services Division is a conglomerate of internal departments whose responsibilities are to support all members of the department in doing a thorough and effective job protecting and serving the City of Waterbury. Support Services also fulfills the needs of the community served. Support Services includes Victim Services, Records, Property & Evidence, Extra Duty, Legal Advisor, Quartermaster, Information Technology, Northwest Connecticut Public Safety Dispatch Center, and Parking Authority.


Victim Services

It is the policy of the Waterbury Police Department to provide immediate physical safety and or assistance to all victims, either directly or through referral agencies. The Victim Services office is responsible for the upkeep and availability of protective and restraining orders within its geographical area.

When victims are eligible for compensation, the Victim Services Counselor can assist them in filling out the application as well as forwarding it, along with the necessary documentation, to the Connecticut Judicial Branch Office of Victim Services.

The Victim Services office is located on the first floor of the Waterbury Police Department and is open Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Get In Touch

Kristie Perrotti

Victim Services Counselor

Telephone: (203) 574-6946

Obtain a Restraining Order

Waterbury Court House

300 Grand Street 
Waterbury, CT 06702
Call (203) 591-3300, when prompted, press 8

Safe Haven Office 

29 Central Avenue 
Waterbury, CT 06702 
(203) 575-0036 

Information and Support Services

Office of Victim Services: 1-800-822-8428 
Info-line: 211 

Records Division Responsibilities

Processes pistol permits, handgun registrations and Freedom of Information requests from the public.

Conducts criminal history checks for Waterbury residents, other agencies and pre-employment background investigations for businesses.

Processes all incident and accident reports; makes copies of these reports available for the public, outside agencies and Department personnel.

You May Now Obtain Copies of Motor Vehicle Accident or Police Reports Online

We encourage everyone to follow the Public Health Guidelines and practice social distancing. If your request is not an emergency please consider calling (203) 574-6911, where an officer will take your complaint over the phone.

Records Division

We encourage everyone to request records online using the following website links:

Incident Reports - Visit the City of Waterbury website and select FOIA Request Portal.

Accident Reports - Go to to BuyCrash.

Pistol Permit - Application forms and more information can be obtained through State of Connecticut website by clicking here. OR if you are just looking for the Pistol Permit Application, click here.  Completed applications can be submitted for processing on:   Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m

Lost/Stolen Plate Reports - Visit the City of Waterbury website and select FOIA Request Portal.

Background Checks - Call (203) 574-6933 for appointment.


If you have any questions on how to obtain a police report online or on the Pistol Permit Application Process, please call the Records Division at (203) 574-6933.

Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence Division's primary mission is to receive, document, categorize, log and prepare for release, properly destroy and safeguard all items that come into custody of the Waterbury Police Department. This division oversees four categories of items: criminal evidence, recovered property, found property and safekeeping of property. These various items usually include:

  • Cash

  • Jewelry

  • Handguns

  • Long Guns

  • Miscellaneous Weapons

  • Evidence related to a serious criminal act

The Property and Evidence Division is also responsible for properly preparing evidence for court proceedings as well as properly destroying property, ensuring that all items are signed out or destroyed in accordance with Connecticut State Statue and department rules and regulations.

Get In Touch

Sergeant John Iommazzo

Property & Evidence: (203) 574-6964

Records Division: (203) 574-6933


Quartermaster Responsibilities

Acts as a liaison to various departments including Purchasing, Budget, Finance, Payroll, Corporation Counsel, Human Resources, Pension & Benefits, and conducts an internal audit on day to day police department operations.

Administers annual operating budget, capital budget and grant compliance as well as weekly and cumulative financial & statistical reports and maintenance of seized asset accounts.

Prepares requisitions, processes invoices and vouchers for reimbursements reports reconciliation of overtime, deposits, sales tax reporting with online filing and compilation of the annual and capital budget.

Maintains and controls the acquisition and distribution of department-issued equipment and supplies while preserving the integrity of the Procurement Ordinance and quality of service with fiscal responsibility and integrity.

Handles all payroll time reporting, attendance tracking and sick time use reports, false alarm billing, collections and all banking transactions on behalf of the police department.

Get In Touch

Emma Poulin

Quartermaster's Office

Telephone: 203-574-6961

Extra Duty

To hire an officer for roadwork or a special event, you may contact the Extra Duty. The rate for an officer based on our required four (4) hour minimum is $343.60.

If an officer is needed after normal business hours of the Extra Duty Office, you will need to speak to a police desk supervisor and be prepared to provide the company name, contact person, billing address, phone number and pertinent information regarding the requested assignment.

When any construction work causes traffic/pedestrian interruption or places immediate danger to the public, the company may be required to hire a uniformed Waterbury Police Officer at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee.


Get In Touch

Sergeant Ronald Jackson

Extra Duty Commander

Telephone: 203-574-6963


Licenses & Permits

Extra duty also issues and maintains the following permits:

  • Pawn License

  • Second-Hand License

  • Precious Metal License

  • Huckster Permits

  • Vendor Permits

Vendor permits and licenses are required by all vendors within the City of Waterbury. Certain areas of the city such as city-owned property, parks, city streets and sidewalks are off limits to all vendors. Huckster Permits are required for all parties wishing to sell any food related items within the City of Waterbury.


All permits and license applications are subject to approval by the Chief of Police. For those permits not listed please contact the Chief's Office.


Parking Ticket Complaints

Parking Authority is a partnership between the City of Waterbury and the Waterbury Police Department. The primary mission of this partnership is to protect property, eliminate safety hazards, ensure fair access to parking, and expedite the flow of traffic in the City of Waterbury.  To download the Parking Ticket Complaint form, click the "Documents & Forms" button to the right.

How to Make a Parking Ticket Complaint

Include a letter with an explanation of your complaint or dispute (which should be made within 14 days of receiving a ticket).

Enclose a photocopy of the ticket (retain original ticket for your records) and a phone number to contact you.

All complaints will be investigated and no late fee will be charged to your ticket. You will be contacted by mail on the outcome of your parking ticket complaint.

Legal Advisor

The Waterbury Police Legal Advisor provides comprehensive legal advice to the department on policies, procedures and labor issues. For more information regarding police-related legal matters, tow hearing procedures and more, please contact Attorney Mark Ouellette at (203) 598-7534.

Information Technology

The Information Technology division provides a centralized technical service to more than 300 Waterbury Police Employees, including sworn and civilian. The Information Technology division is responsible for managing the technical business operations as well as providing a vision for the organization. The Information Technology division is tasked with the following:

  • Developing Technical Strategy

  • Budget Development

  • Procurement of Technology

  • Departmental Project Management

  • Overall network and system management

  • Support of sworn and civilian staff

Northwest Connecticut Public Safety Dispatch Center

The Northwest Connecticut Public Safety Dispatch Center (NWCTPS) serves as the department’s initial point of contact with the public. NWCTPS is the primary Public Safety Answering Point for the City of Waterbury, handling both 911 Emergency calls as well as routine calls for service.

The Dispatch Center’s main function is to take the incoming calls for service and deliver the appropriate Police, Fire and Ambulance service to suit each situation. To fulfill this responsibility, the center is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by dedicated personnel.

The NWCTPS is committed to providing the citizens of Waterbury with the highest level of service possible through a combination of cutting edge technology and professional customer service.

Get In Touch

Captain Francis Monahan

Support Services Supervisor

Telephone: 203-346-6103

Looking for more information?

Contact the Waterbury Police Department with any inquiries, requests for service, information on a crime or to report suspicious activity.
